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Integrative treatment approaches for symphysis pubis problems: PDTR in the context of pathology

Due to the positive response, we would like to continue our series on PDTR therapy. Today we will be looking at appropriate treatment approaches for symphysis pubis problems.

The symphysis pubis is the crucial connection between the pubic bones. It is susceptible to various pathologies, including injury, irritation of the ligaments and capsular structures and neurological dysfunction.

This article looks at the pathology of the pubic symphysis and how PDTR (Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex) therapy can be used as an innovative approach to treatment.

Pathology of the symphysis pubis:

1. injuries and ruptures: traumatic events, falls or sports injuries can lead to symphyseal ruptures, with partial or complete separation of the pubic symphysis. These injuries are often associated with pain, instability and potentially long-term effects.

2. ligament and capsule irritation: Overuse, hormonal changes during pregnancy or overstretching can lead to irritation of the ligaments and capsular structures around the symphysis pubis. This manifests itself in pain, swelling and restricted movement.

3. neurological dysfunctions: The symphysis pubis is traversed by numerous nerve endings. Neurological dysregulation can lead to pain, stiffness and impairment of normal function.


PDTR as an integrative approach:

1. diagnosis through neurological reflexes: PDTR enables precise diagnosis by testing the body's neurological reflexes and responses to specific stimuli. This is particularly relevant for the identification of neurological dysfunctions in the area of the symphysis pubis.

2. targeted treatment of dysfunctions: PDTR provides individualised treatment approaches aimed at correcting specific neurological dysfunctions. This includes the stimulation of neuroreceptors in the area of the symphysis pubis.

3. holistic perspective: By integrating PDTR into the treatment, a holistic perspective on the pathology of the symphysis pubis can be gained. This enables not only the treatment of direct symptoms, but also the identification and correction of dysfunctions in other areas of the body.



PDTR therapy offers a promising option in the context of pubic symphysis pathology. Due to its neurological orientation, it not only enables a precise diagnosis, but also a targeted and individualised treatment of injuries, irritations and neurological dysfunctions. The integration of PDTR into a comprehensive treatment plan could therefore make a decisive contribution to improving the quality of life of patients with symphysis pubis problems. However, it is important to use this therapy in collaboration with qualified PDTR therapists and other healthcare providers to achieve optimal results.


Have we aroused your interest in a treatment? Then you are welcome to make an appointment with our osteopath Daniel Arenz, who is trained in FDM and P-DTR.