Liebe Patientinnen, liebe Patienten!

Wir haben unsere Praxis am 30.06.2024 geschlossen.
Wir möchten uns bei Ihnen ganz herzlich für Ihr Vertrauen und Ihre jahrelange Treue bedanken.

Wir wünschen Ihnen alles Gute. Bleiben Sie gesund!

Ihr SIX ONE-Team



back in motion

Therapy & training with concept


Physiotherapy and osteopathy in Berlin-Mitte

Welcome to SIX ONE physioconcept, your therapy centre for physiotherapy and osteopathy in the heart of Berlin between Gendarmenmarkt and Friedrichstraße. In a calm, modern atmosphere, our team of state-certified physiotherapists, sports scientists, alternative practitioners and osteopaths will work with you to develop an individual therapy concept.  Under the motto back in motion, we support you in getting back into a moving and healthy everyday life.

You can find more information and make an appointment here:


Open Imagination


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Open Imagination


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Open Imagination


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Open Imagination

alternative medicine

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Free training at eCircle: Our spring offer for you!

Whether as a supplement to therapy or afterwards to secure and improve the success of therapy - free training in our SIXONE eCircle offers you many advantages. Together with a therapist, your personal training plan is first created. Then you will be introduced to the operation of the digital training system and the exercises. Our modern eCircle equipment automatically adjusts to you. Furthermore, video instructions for your exercises are stored in your digital training plan. To ensure correct and safe training, one of our therapists is never far away. Within our opening hours you can come [...]